Sculpted Figures

I started making little sculptures. It's been a long time since I wanted to do anything like this, but I enjoyed doing so. First of all, these were not the plan. I wanted to make some digimon, but then the first one of these happened. I really liked how he was coming out, but then he fell over during the breaking process and shattered. I was so mad! So, I started to make more. As I went, I was already creating a story for them. These are the Fred Brothers. The first one was their oldest brother. One is sad, but hoping for better days (all the way to the right). Another is just so sad that he is gone (the middle). And the last is just grumpy that he has to spend the rest of his days with his more idiotic brothers. I hope to make more of these in the future. Not sure what else I may create. Maybe I'll make Cerberus. Who knows?