New Episode of D & W, and new art
I uploaded different kinds of art as well as the new episode of Dumpling and Wolfie! Episode 24 wasn't easy to get out. I forgot to scan it in. I couldn't remember what I named it. I messed up the brightness and contrast. I added/deleted some things. I colored the whole thing, started to upload it, and then found out I forgot to add dialogue. Yeah... This one was fun. The Dumpling and Wolfie comic is taking a new turn: serious story. I know, it seems strange. It will still be silly-like and fun colored. Just thought I might give it more of... a story. (O.O) *le gasp* So, hopefully everyone can enjoy a little adventure. So, the next few are already drawn on paper. So, it just means me getting them scanned in, rearranged, and colored. Remember, just one each month.