Canvas Tutor

Canvas Tutor is an app for android that gives artists daily quests, in order to help improve one's art. It is an extremely simple app with achievements. I've done three daily quests so far, and I have been quite happy with the quests and the results.

First Day quest we were given these features: Little Boy, Thief, and Flashy. The time they gave: 30 minutes

Second Day quest was to use specific colors (I was too lazy to get out the colors, so I made them by mixing color pencil colors). The time they gave: 45 minutes

Third Day, today, I was told to draw 10 mannequins. The time they gave: 20 minutes

If you go to the quest calendar, you can go back and do quests that you missed. You can also upload them to share with other users currently doing the daily quests. Although, I'm not sure how to add more than one picture, if you can, And you have to you their camera program. (There may be a way to use another one, but I haven't tried it yet.)

Overall, I really enjoy this app and feel it is a great way to practice and keep creative. I highly recommend it.


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