Where have I been

Work and many things have gotten me stress. Not only that, but I've just been... sad... a lot. Like really sad. Like "what's the point of doing something" sad. I'm looking into what to do about it. My husband and my best friend has been sticking to me and trying to motivate me to do the things they know tend to make me happy. Some days are better than others. I appreciate them both, as they are my biggest support. It's been hard to dig out of that hole and put of the fake happy face at work. But the time I get home, I'm so emotionally spent I just want to sleep. Like I said, I am going to look into this and probably go see someone about it. Just getting up the courage. 

Besides stress at work, I've been staying home with my puppers. A lot has happened to him in the last week. He has been diagnosed with diabetes and ruptured discs in his lower back.  He's 12 years old and a Chiweenie mix (Chihuahua and Dachshund). We're thinking it must have been from his stairs getting up and down from the bed, as he tend to run down them in stead of walk. It has caused him pinched nerves from inflammation, which was causing him to not be able to feel or walk. There is hope that he can at least recover somewhat from this: Might be able to walk again and get his sugar under control. No surgery due to his age and a good chance it would not be enough. Right now, we are printing a doggy wheelchair, since he is showing signs that he wants to try. This chair will support him and help him to walk. Currently, we have him on medication for the inflammation, and it is starting to decrease the swelling. He started feeling somewhat again and even tried to get up and move himself (he hasn't wanted to do anything but lay or sit for days now). I cried when I saw him trying to much. If he is determined to feel better, I'm determined to help him in any way I can to help him towards it.

I've cried to much the past days. I'm glad he is showing positive signs. There was talk that if no signs of recovery were being seen, that we might have to go the route that's hard to hear. WE still aren't in the clear yet, as he isn't walking yet. We hope this support chair will help him to get his strength back. Until all results are laid, good or bad, I might not do as much art. I will try to do some today, but the stress has just been too high. 


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