I never thought to make a blog for this, but it's worth a shot.

The site is named after the comic strip it features.  It is a story about a dumpling man, who finds a friend in a wolf. A wolf who is also dumpling-ish. They go on crazy adventures, along with just get into normal but odd situations. Below will be the first installment of the series.

There is other art on the site as well as plushies, t shirts, and things to buy.If you buy a dumpling plush that is custom made the way you want, that dumpling will appear at some time in the comic! 

Under the Other Art and People section, there are links for different artists I enjoy as well as amazing places one can buy things from or visit one day. It will also have other places one can find my art. It could be anything from other comic strips to delicious food.

Hopefully, I will update this blog at least monthly. If there are comments or questions, I will post as soon as I can to respond to them. (That means I'll try for at least the next day to respond. No more than a month for responding.)


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