Mog Central Pen Pal

Mog Central: Pen Pal, Kupo!

Remember how I said there would be more to come? This is that more to come I was talking about. This is a new pen pal system for people who like to write old fashion letters and have a love of Final Fantasy moogles. Or, if you just want a moogle, you can just buy one. Signing up for the pen pal would be optional. How it works:

You buy either a hand sewn moogle or a mini pom pom moogle and ask to sign up for the system. No names are given except the name of your moogle. Every letter is meant to be addressed to the 'moogle', which keeps the pen pal anonymous. (Or, if you are someone who wants to keep in contact of a friend in a cute way, specifically buy two moogles and say which moogle you specifically want to write back and forth from.) Then, the writing can begin!

Reasons why you might want to join the pen pal system:

  • Getting a letter in the mail that isn't an ad or a bill is exciting
  • Those who pay for the pen pal system with a hand sewn moogle (or pays for the two moogle friend system) gets a free item sent to them each year from the date they first got their moogle companion. It could be a badge, art, or even a chocobo/moomba. It changes every year.

1. What is the certificate for?
   a. Each purchase comes with the name of your moogle and an honorary certificate to show that the are your companion, as well as a place for you to sign your name (as if you made a contract with your moogle).
2. Why are all the hand sewn moogles different from each other?
   a. Just like how moogles have changed over the years, I want the hand sewn ones to be just as unique.
3. Will the hang sewn ones always be the same color?
  a. No, they will not. In fact, I want to make some to honor some of the famous moogles of the past games, like Stiltzken and Artemicion!
4. Can I have a custom one?
  a. Sure! Just specify what type you want (hand sewn or pom pom), the colors, and size. I will say that the bigger they get, the more they will cost. But, that should be a given, since material used grows.

They will be available for sale on my Etsy, while individual pictures of each one will be posted on my website. As each one sells, each picture will be edited to say their new name and that they have been given a Mog Central job.  Any more questions, please feel free to comment or email me.

(This is what one of the chocobos look like.)


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