Happy Odaiba Day! (Also, new episode posted)

Happy Odaiba Day!

Yes. today is August 1st, the anniversary of Digimon (and my mom's b-day)! I drew the digimon above to celebrate. I have been a Digimon fan.... forever. Although. I didn't really start with the first series...well, kinda. I was visiting my sister and I was watching the episode were Lilymon appeared as Palmon's ultimate form. I wanted to watch more, but would not see the show again until series three, which I fell in love with and its dark themes. Been a fan of the series since!

The new episode of Dumpling and Wolfie is out, with a slightly new look. I decided to try to draw directly to the computer. I've been drawing it and scanning the drawings in. Then, I used the drawing tablet to clean it, organize them into a comic, and THEN colored them. It was a looong process! If any of you can compare it to the other ones and tell me how you feel about it, I can see where I might make some changes or keep it up. There are also a bunch of new art that has been added, whether new or finally cleaned up and colored. Hope you all enjoy! 


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