Website it still Down: Here's an artwork

Website is still out of service. I have sent an email to support, but who knows how long that will take, as I am not a premium member with webs. (le sigh) As such, I cannot post up new artwork on my site, since I can't even get into the section to manage my website. So.....Until my website is back up, all new art that I do will be posted on here. I am sorry for the technical difficulties.

Here is a crossover piece I did with my two favorite characters from my favorite anime and video game. We have Deedlit from Records of Lodoss War and Rena from Star Ocean Second Story/Evolution, I liked Rena's style from the original game best. I also like the idea of having two long-eared elven types in the same photo. While Deedlit was probably a lot older in years, she was probably closer to Rena's years, considering how elves age in the land of Lodoss/Dragon Lance/Dungeons and Dragons world(s). Still, I could see Deedlit treating out little space elf like a little sister. Make me wonder if I should have included a certain other space elf into this picture...

Hmmmm..... Maybe next time. I should finish watching this at some point though.


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