Sorry for the Delay

I have gotten better, both from being sick and being injured. Unfortunately, my school work piled up during that time and had been playing catch up for a while. I am not caught up, but being caught up still means tons of work to do. @.@ As soon as I can get a head (or perhaps a break comes up for me), then I will have time to get out the new comic. I also have a wood burning sitting unfinished on my table that feels like it is staring at me and saying ''. >,> So, yes. When I do update, I will probably have an explosion of other things to come from it.

I even have the piece that is going to take me probably forever to finish, but I'll be so happy if it comes out right. It's been a long time since I've done a super realistic piece, so the fight on 'is it exactly the way I want' is coming. I finished the face, but I am still not happy with it. >.< Something seems to be off....Yup. A break from school work would be nice. Until then, I just hope you guys are patiently waiting. I know some of you want to know exactly what that big shadow is.


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