Getting Caught Up!

I am currently working on the next episode of Dumpling and Wolfie! Hurray! I also just finished a piece that I was working on a couple of months ago. It took many hours to finish, and I'm glad it is finally done. Still, I am happy that I did the piece. After I'm done with this episode of D&W, I will try to start work on the next one either tonight or another night (If I don't end up playing a bunch of FF XIV afterwards.)

Also, more news! My classes for this semester end on December 12th and I won't be starting back until some time in January. That means I'm going to have a pretty nice break coming up, which will give me even MORE time to get caught up with art stuff (and play more FFXIV). So, some of those projects I mentioned should be getting started pretty soon. (^.^)

The new art is up on my website already. And, as soon as the comic is done, it will be posted up there as well.

Good stuff.


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