The drawing I hid (Warning: Extremely slight nudity. Just shows as the bust begins)

The thumbnail you see above was a picture I did in 2007. After I drew it, other people were the reason I hid it. From the comments I was getting back, it was something were acting like it was a terrible picture. Someone even laughed at it. So, I hid it away and didn't try my hand at a realistic drawing again for a long time. I was going through my old files looking to see what I could redraw or color. I found it in that pile. It was wrinkled and torn on the edges. Seeing it in a new light, I didn't feel so bad about it any longer. So, I decided it retrace it and color it. Just goes to show you, you shouldn't let what people say stop you from doing what you enjoy. It took me a long time to draw something like this again. I don't want anyone to take as long as I did.