Shout out to Youkai Yume and Design Doll

I was going through my tumblr page, when I came across a post from YoukaiYume. I've been following her since my days of Dokuga and have loved her work since. Her art put a smile on my face and kind of puts a calming effect over me, even her amazing Mad Max: Fury Road art and Clannibal work, If you have not ever seen her art, I highly recommend looking at her deviantart above.

As I was saying, I saw a new post from her. She was reviewing different free art programs she has used and I noticed one that just floored me. A program that has a main model that can be easily posed, like having a realistic artist mannequin sitting out one's desk? So, I looked into it. It is exactly what I, and I'm sure many others, had been looking for. No more scouring the internet to try and find a pose close enough to what we imagined, in order to try and figure out what we want it to look like. No more trying to stare at our own hands hoping that we'll get the left hand on the left hand. 

Speaking of hands, remember that comic that I lost after working for so long on it? Well, he's a picture of the pesky hand that was giving me trouble with that program right beside. It looks 100% better than the last time I drew it. It's just... just wonderful. 

This program is free to download here. Happy Arting!

PS: Now that I got that pesky hand out of the way, the new comic will be coming out soon. Yay!


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