How a silly doodle turned into something

A strange creature was born, from the depth of a giggle.My fiance and I have a 3D printer. We had switched to TPU and an error was occurring. Once he figured it out (he's the technical one), he started to explain it to me and draw out a diagram.

Looking at it, I couldn't help but see someone in that drawing. I giggled a bit, and then took the paper when he was done explaining. This is what came out of it.

We both were amused by it. In fact, he liked it so much he told me I should 3D model him. I've only begun doing that, so I know that it was take me a long, long time. That, and I didn't even know what the rest of him looked like yet. This little fellow didn't have a name even. So, I decided to pull out my sketchbook and start drawing!

I loved how he developed! He looked like he was part chinchilla and something else. Kirk thought he looked like a fox when I first drew him. Whatever creature he really is, I find him amusing. But, he still didn't have a name! So last night, I began coloring him. I used green for his jacket, because recently I've started using a lot of green. I feel like the only time I use it is for an orc or a goblin, so I've been trying to incorporated it more into my work. When it got late, I had to rest because I could no longer see the drawing without my sight blurring. This morning, I finished the touch up work on him,

Finally! I had him drawn. But still, I have no name for him. I uploaded him and was about to write a description, when I heard a name shouted out from the back of my mind. Rupert! Rubert the castle scribe, best scribe in the kingdom! And so, his name came to be.

I cannot believe such a piece came out of trying to see something in a design of a 3D printer extruder. I thank my fiancee for drawing that and explaining the problem with it to me. Otherwise, I may have not come up with such an interesting character. 


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