
Showing posts from 2018

Art on Pause

It will be a bit till I post. Husband was in car accident. Mother just had surgery and may have cancer (still waiting on the test results from that). Just has been.... lots of life stuff. Will be truly back when something settles down.

Finished a Sketchbook!

I just filled my small practice book, and will be uploaded those pieces to DeviantArt most likely tomorrow. Well, not all of them. Going to post WIP and practices tomorrow. (Most of those practices will combined into one page on Photoshop, in order to not have a thousand and one practice posts.) If I get done with anything, I will post some completed projects. Current Project in the Works? Drawing Pokemon Teams. Only First Generation teams. >.> Why? Because I'm trying to go my creativity, so I want to work on a lot of the work I've put on the back burner. ^.^ Like the Doujinshi I've been slowly working at (hint of that on the front cover), or actually finishing that last chapter of Dumpling and Wolfie (that page has been sitting there for... like... 3 years?). Maybe even my bug project or goblin project... or visual novel project... @.@ I need to stop coming up with ideas and finish some, I think . XDDD Anywhosles! No that I finished this sketchbook, I plan to...

New Icon for Me and DeviantArt

Made a lot of changes to my DeviantArt the past couple of days. Added old art, added new art, organized the gallery. Just trying to make it all just easier to navigate, and making it all look nice. After summer is over, I don't always get a lot of opportunities to update my art page as often. So, it is always good to try to get as much of that done as possible. Updates on those things on the list to make: They are still there. I still plan on doing those things I mention one day. Just a little bit everyday, and one day I'll happily show the final products.

That is all. Good Night


Goblin Fever

Anyone who has spoken to me knows I have a love for goblins, and have quite a few drawings coming out of them (some posted today, and some to come.) So, for this post, I just want to post goblins. These are just the ones on the computer too. I have many more just randomly drawn never uploaded.    References to Ye Ole Final Fantasy Games From the "Draw Me As" Campaign       Couldn't decide which I liked better   Gob-Gob and Dog-Dog

Silly Little Story

There is a role play (rp) I just started writing with a few friends of mine, in which I wanted there to be a "Story Thus Far" section, in case we needed a reminder. In order to get Page Break to work correctly, I wrote a short... story? It's extremely silly, but I wanted to share it with you. Our story begins with a young cattle driver. He drives cattle, because everyone in his family has driven cattle. He didn’t get a full education. Why would he? His job is laid out for him since the day he was born. He doesn’t need on of them new fangled educations! So, he just does as he is told and continues the cycle. Till one day, he has a kid. That kid says,” No! No! I want to be more!” He is furious with him for not wanting to do the same thing that has always been done. He’s angry, because his son wants to learn and thrive in the community. “No son of mine is ever going to be anything but a cattle driver!” The son took it to heart, and ran away. Later, in his ol...

Beric Fine Tip Paint Pens

Amazon Link I bought these markers to play with. I've used the acrylic makers, but I thought I would give the water base a shot. I've seen videos on some of the high end ones, like Winsor Newton, but I can't really afford those. A friend of mine gave me an Amazon Gift Card, so I figured I would try out these.  In this set of 15, you get two shades of green, blue, and pink. Then you have 1 yellow, one orange, one purple, one silver (?), one red, one gold (?), one white, one brown,  and one black.   These are quite skinny, with a skinny tip. Unfortunately, the tips are a bit frayed at the in, so they don't always sit down nicely. Just something to keep in mind. I had some extreme variation with these makers. Some of them primed well, some did not. When added water to the patches, some colors lifted, some barely lifted, and one would not lift no matter what I would do (will notice this on a piece I made with them as well.) I may be able to u...