Finished a Sketchbook!

I just filled my small practice book, and will be uploaded those pieces to DeviantArt most likely tomorrow. Well, not all of them. Going to post WIP and practices tomorrow. (Most of those practices will combined into one page on Photoshop, in order to not have a thousand and one practice posts.) If I get done with anything, I will post some completed projects.

Current Project in the Works? Drawing Pokemon Teams. Only First Generation teams. >.> Why? Because I'm trying to go my creativity, so I want to work on a lot of the work I've put on the back burner. ^.^ Like the Doujinshi I've been slowly working at (hint of that on the front cover), or actually finishing that last chapter of Dumpling and Wolfie (that page has been sitting there for... like... 3 years?). Maybe even my bug project or goblin project... or visual novel project... @.@ I need to stop coming up with ideas and finish some, I think . XDDD Anywhosles!

No that I finished this sketchbook, I plan to start working in the one I had designated for commissions (which I have some DnD commissions to post from it.) Since I don't do that many commissions, I will start using it for more than that. Though, I won't show all the things in that one, due to some of it being for video game work I got paid to do or asked to do. So... yeah. Those will stay hidden for now.

FYI If you want your own Pokemon Team drawn in my style, colored linart (like how they look on DeviantArt right now) is $25, and a fully completed piece will by $35. Payment methods will be available through Paypal


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