Silly Little Story

There is a role play (rp) I just started writing with a few friends of mine, in which I wanted there to be a "Story Thus Far" section, in case we needed a reminder. In order to get Page Break to work correctly, I wrote a short... story? It's extremely silly, but I wanted to share it with you.

Our story begins with a young cattle driver. He drives cattle, because everyone in his family
has driven cattle. He didn’t get a full education. Why would he? His job is laid out for him
since the day he was born. He doesn’t need on of them new fangled educations!
So, he just does as he is told
and continues the cycle. Till one day, he has a kid. That kid says,” No! No! I want to be
more!” He is furious with him for not wanting to do the same thing that has always been
done. He’s angry, because his son wants to learn and thrive in the community.

“No son of mine is ever going to be anything but a cattle driver!” The son took it to heart,
and ran away. Later, in his old age, the father sat near the fire. He should have not pushed
his son away, just because he didn’t want to follow in his footsteps. Then, he hears a knock
on the door. Grabbing his cane, he pushed himself to his feat. Opening the door, he looks
upon a man sneakingly looking like he did at that age.

“I became something, Dad. I’m made a name in the community I ended up in. I’m a
veterinarian, and I take care of farm animals. But I’m not a cattle driver like you wanted.
I make quite a bit, have a son and a daughter. Told them they can be whatever they wanted.
And do you know what my son said to me?”

The old man looked up curiously. He never knew his son would return, nor would he have
expected this much. Anything he would say to him would make him happy. But, as a
stubborn ass does, he just made a ‘hm’ sound, confirming he heard.

The son looked stern at the old man.

“Cattle Driver.”


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