You can now ask Dumpling and Wolfie questions. Wolfie made the announcement last night at 3 am. If people like this, I may move them to their own Tumblr page and do other things with Smittee's Corner.
Work and many things have gotten me stress. Not only that, but I've just been... sad... a lot. Like really sad. Like "what's the point of doing something" sad. I'm looking into what to do about it. My husband and my best friend has been sticking to me and trying to motivate me to do the things they know tend to make me happy. Some days are better than others. I appreciate them both, as they are my biggest support. It's been hard to dig out of that hole and put of the fake happy face at work. But the time I get home, I'm so emotionally spent I just want to sleep. Like I said, I am going to look into this and probably go see someone about it. Just getting up the courage. Besides stress at work, I've been staying home with my puppers. A lot has happened to him in the last week. He has been diagnosed with diabetes and ruptured discs in his lower back. He's 12 years old and a Chiweenie mix ( Chihuahua and Dachshund). We're thinking it must have b...
Last month's episode was posted during last month (yay!). And this episode was able to be posted up the first of the month of July (woot). I'm currently working on next month's comic, while also debating on it's length. It's going to be a shorter episode, but that makes way for the longer one to come. Which I may have to split the longer on into two, just to fit it. @.@ To be honest, I'm surprised out how this part has gone. I was expecting it to take less strips to make, but soon realized how long it really needs to be. It's not a big deal, but it is just surprising. History of Dumpling and Wolfie (short version): Not only was Wolfie originally a fox, but the story was something I did in a notebook in high school. Just shared it with friends and giggled about it. Then, it became a web comic. Some of the very first episodes are the recreation of the ones in the book. And, to be honest, I planned on keeping it the silly. goes-no where, quirky comic. A...
Need I really say more? Look at this piece! It's unique, it's detailed, & it's beautiful! All their art is absolutely wonderful! Halgalaz does original characters, Kirby art, adoptables, etc. The facial expressions are excellent. How did I run into this artist? Oddly enough, it was a final fantasy piece that they had done that was featured on a Final Fantasy group. Usually when I favorite something from a group like that, I don't always look at their page. Something about the style really drew me in. I ended up looking at the rest of their art and then BAM! I couldn't stop looking! So, check dem out! You can find their art on DeviantArt.
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